IFSMA Newsletter Number 72, January 2024. The Shipmasters' International Voice
Secretary General’s Message 2
From the News Editor 3
The IMO Digest 4
IMO and African SAR 4
Capacity building and managing risks of biofouling 5
IMO-Singapore Single Window for Facilitation of Trade
(SWIFT) project. 5
New IMO SG confirmed 6
IMO at COP 28 7
IMO elects new Council 8
IMO International Maritime Prize 9
IMO-Republic of Korea Sustainable Maritime Transport
Cooperation (SMART-C) Programme 10
Training seafarers for a decarbonised future 11
IMO Assembly 33rd session 27 November - 6 December
2023 12
IMO bids farewell to Secretary-General Kitack Lim 13
To improve Polar Code training 14
EMSA - Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents
AI set the tone at Europort 16
Record draft at Port of Felixstowe 17
IUMI Statistics 17
NATO’s Naval Alliance in action 19
Southern Ocean - MPV Everest engine room fire 20
The lifeboat market 21
Operation Deep Freeze 22
ASGARD: The ultimate response to maritime spoofing
attacks 23
Red Sea risks rising rapidly 24
Understanding seafarer roster patterns and fatigue on
vessels 24
USCG security boarding 25
Maersk’s Asia - Europe trade lane 26
Auckland Transport’s innovative electric ferries 27
InterManager: Deaths in enclosed spaces must be
prevented 28
Comprehensive education by Michael Grey 29
Ghana Ports & Harbours news 30
Threats to shipping 31
Australia’s strategic fleet 32

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