8 June 2020
Dear Shipmaster,
We, the members of the IFSMA Executive Council and the IFSMA Secretariat do hope that this
letter finds you, your crews and all your families safe and well wherever you are. This global
COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on all the maritime industry, but it is you the
seafarer who must not be forgotten. We hope you are all aware of the work that the
International Maritime Organisation (IMO) together with IFSMA and other key non-
Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are putting in on your behalf to enable crew changes to
take place. The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Transport
Workers’ Federation (ITF), supported by its affiliated unions, have been working closely with
IFSMA to put pressure on Governments to start taking measures to ensure this happens to
keep you, the seafarers, safe and for ships to trade safely around the world. To date, a
relatively small number of steps have been taken by relatively few nations, since most are only
concentrating on their internal domestic struggles against the global COVID-19 pandemic and
are sometimes seemingly oblivious to your plight at sea.
Since the pandemic was declared by WHO in February, many Governments and International
Organisations rightly declared Force Majeure for keeping you at sea. IFSMA wishes to
reiterate that it now considers this no longer appropriate. Shipmasters, their crews and all in
authority in the Shipping Industry remain subject to normal contractual conditions in
accordance with the ILO’s Maritime Labour Convention and all IMO Codes, Conventions, Rules
and Regulations.
Easing of Restrictions NOT being Extended
Shipmasters share the responsibility of their ship owners and ship operator employers for the
safety and welfare of their crew and for the protection of the marine environment and it is for
this reason IFSMA writes personally to you today. The IMO has issued industry developed
Crew Change Protocols for the guidance of nations. Despite many nations starting to ease
lockdown restrictions, not all have been extended to facilitate crew changes; those that have
been implemented have been driven by shipowners, crew managers and unions, with little
help from nations. Notwithstanding that a recent small number of repatriations and crew
changes are showing some signs of becoming easier, IFSMA is increasingly concerned that
there is now clear potential for the wholly unwarranted criminalisation of the Shipmaster if a
maritime incident takes place in which tiredness and the mental health of their officers and
crew are subsequently found to have undermined the safe operation of their ship.
Beware Fatigue
IFSMA wishes to remind all Shipmasters of their responsibility to protect themselves and their
crew against attempts of suicides, fatigue, caused by long working days and extended tours of
duty, as enshrined in the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping, 1978 and the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (as amended). Your attention
is also drawn to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 Regulation
34-1 which clearly states:-
“The owner, the charterer, the company operating the ship as defined in regulation IX/1, or
any other person shall not prevent or restrict the master of the ship from taking or executing
any decision which, in the master’s professional judgement, is necessary for the safety of life
at sea and the protection of the marine environment”.
The International Safety Management (ISM) Code also states that the Company should ensure
that the Safety Management System (SMS) operating on board the ship contains a clear
statement emphasising the master's authority. The Company should establish in the SMS that
the master has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect
to safety and pollution prevention and to request the Company's assistance as and when may
be necessary. Finally, IFSMA draws your attention to MLC Regulation 5.1.5, On-board
complaints procedures.
If, despite your best efforts as master, you feel the safety of your ship and crew is
compromised due to lack of support from the shipowner or other factors, because:
1. Your crew is significantly beyond their contract term
2. Your crew is fatigued
3. You are short handed
4. You are concerned about the safe operation of your ship
5. You do not have sufficient PPE including sanitisers/testing (etc)
6. You do not have access to appropriate supplies including medicines
7. You cannot get access to urgent medical and urgent dental services ashore
8. Your crew is not provided free wifi/internet contact with home
9. Your crew want to go home
You have a duty and responsibility to report this to the shipowner (whose name and address
must be stated on your seafarers’ employment agreement and the MLC Certificate carried
onboard). Put the interests of your crew first. If they are not being granted their full MLC
entitlements, such as: repatriation, access to medical care, entitlement to nutritious food,
water and other supplies, then register their complaints with the shipowner.
Under both SOLAS and the ISM Code you also have an obligation to report significant safety
issues to the Shipowner (DPA) and the flag State and ensure you advise your Associations and
Unions of what you are doing. You need to do this for your own protection from possible
criminalisation in the event of a maritime incident, and for the safety of your crew and others.
In the event that the issues you raise are not satisfactorily resolved you are entitled to refuse
to sail on entry into your next port.
Enclosed with this letter is a list of some of the points you might also wish to consider
including in any Report/Complaint to your DPA or Administration.
Take care and keep safe and remember that IFSMA, the ITF and your unions stand behind you
and are here to give you full support.
On behalf of the IFSMA Executive Council and the IFSMA Secretariat,
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